Sunday, December 16, 2012

my last face to the wind,
an opaqueness to a
small translucence,
sand waiting to be borne.
even the sun erodes,
a gentleness taking more
than I can give.
wreck me!
be the final blow


Thursday, December 13, 2012


drugs pull me easily past the emptiness
of sheets, the enveloping coldness
has no hands to press their five pointed
fire into me. a chemical warmth eases
eyelids into the luxurious kiss of darkness,
metronomic breath looses time to oblivion



the map of bloods journey,
a story of the failed flesh of
days, growth stunted as fingers split
among the rocks of hours.
a division of labor multiplied by nothing
an incomplete zero maintaining the
potential for less

1 ½ cups coarsely chopped cranberries

there are easier ways but I support
each one, whether almost black
or nearly pink, in the V my
thumb makes opposing my forefinger.

nipples are not cranberries but there is
memory in motion.

I slice them in half so they can no longer
roll off the cutting board. Ten or twelve,
maybe fifteen at a time. Repeated
until the mark in the glass
measuring cup is reached.

there is no hurry to complete a task
that draws out the day, there are too few
before the arbitrary line is met
