Thursday, October 24, 2013

single minded

I remember the fires that came
through this field. the winter dead sunflowers
folding at last to rest, fence posts
wearing thinner with each lick, and
the sky pillowed with rich black smoke
rising until caught by a single minded breeze.
when the dry summer stretches out to meet
idle hands we are hidden below
the horizon of the grass. I am anchored by your nearness
and the small touch of your fingers
when passing the cigarette back and forth.
your eyes are lost in something hidden by the cloudless blue sky,
mine are consumed by yours


Thursday, October 17, 2013


I angle my teeth to catch the
splintered stars. Their light fits
me now. is there any softness left
to you, curves to guide me? I have
faced the wind too long.
I am all loose footing and
scree I cannot touch you without
breaking. lets leave this less than
done so there will always be
something more


Friday, October 11, 2013

anything approppriate

I quote my own silence in an effort to explain what folds
around these hands. there has been different skin, collapsed like a mortuary
shroud, the thinnest breath of shelter floating in the fluorescent air.

the hardening lines of earthworms
dead on the concrete borders. It was an easy lie
to follow, washed away from the dark to wither in the slackening flow.

I have been in the choir, mouth formed around pennies
others threw. breath expelled in four counts, staggering
through the false harmony.

way over the line a dead coyote waits by the interstate for
a new hunger to consume it. I leave a fortune cookie
in case there is anything appropriate