Sunday, September 21, 2014


Beware those who speak of wolves, their mouth
is a jagged wound, waiting for blood. Their eyes
are not reflections of the moon but are the
bloated bellies of the forgotten dead. You may
hear their cries and feel their claws crawling
on your skin but do not invite them in. Call to them
from your window, hidden behind lamp-lit curtains.
It's alright we are all beaten under the same
meaningless stars. Open the door, walk out


Thursday, September 4, 2014

The morning mountains are the torn edge of discarded
postcards, destinations of worn through memories. The ache
of new bone growth.

My appetites darken as the sun climbs above your waist. There
is a silhouette to this desire, a hard edge along the knife cutting 
sparks through your hair.

I'll never be closer to your true name than a finger tip on the
surface of a pond. The slightest moment of displacement leaving
no ripple. Fingerprints oscillate, a river begins flowing up my arm.

You can fish with a cormorant garrotted against fulfillment. The
way the gods press their thumbs into our throats to adjust the
frequency of need.

So much of everything is beyond me but I turn to hold the sun's 
unwinding, the flesh of the air tumescent, quickly pink and
writhing. This splendid knot slips into the space of the night
