Saturday, April 30, 2016

Tell me again
how the water slides
like a snake, tell me how
the bones of your fingers
seethe with thirst,
the emptiness of need
that fills your
milk soft skin.

The embers have
caught in your eyes,
the cup of your mouth
fills with a hungry wild fire.
Your heart is throbbing,
your blood is rampant,
capillaries dilating, flushed
with cravings of release.

Make me your first casualty.


Friday, April 29, 2016

Have you memorized
the flow of the incidental
music, it is subsonic but
the water gets it like a
cloud bursting. It is the
anticipation of a first touch,
a tongue tasting the distance
across the terminals of a battery,
the frequency response of electrons
jumping between bodies.
The briefest creation of
mythologies, the moment
when gods are born.
There is a hymn
I’ll whisper into the
space of a breath
if you’ll raise your lips.


Thursday, April 28, 2016

You were right, I only seek your
darkness. The way your collar bone
blocks the light, the red velvet
hole your heart hides in,
the penumbra gathering along
the belly of your fingers when you
make a fist. I want to exist at the
horizon where the day cauterizes
into night. The shadows seeping
across lithe continents of flesh.
A ghost to accompany yours, dragging
around your ramshackle bones.
To hide in the shade of your breath.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

I have lost my teeth, they were in
a box padded with my tongue.
I’m coming up for air along the
seams of the north Atlantic.
The water is heavy enough to mask
my silence, to hide the cordage
of my hands.  Already barnacled,
already scavenged. The broadside
of an axe slips, it is not blunt
enough to save itself. Swinging
against currents.  Waiting to rest.
A bit never found in my mouth.
My name is percussive,
the air held hitting the air
waiting in you.  Who is wanting,
the wave or the rocks? Let’s let
the remains be soft.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A dull passionless ache, blunt lips
bruise on the spines of a flightless
bird’s feathers. Already, the wax puddles
on the asphalt even though the sun
is still long shadows away. The fine
hairs hold nothing, no memory of a shiver,
no trail dissipating.  The distinctions lay
across the water, my hands lay at my side,
my body is hounded, treed. I am a beetle
fucking a magnolia.


Monday, April 25, 2016

No single home
could contain all these 
makeshift fires.  Every
fence post a refugee.
I have yet to determine
what I can live with.
What I live without grows.
The match book cover
happiness; strike it
rich before closing. 
Funny how other people
know you don’t see
that much anymore. 
I write love letters
on my cuticles then
shove them into
my fingers.  When you
rip my nails out you’ll
finally know why I am here.


Sunday, April 24, 2016

Show me all your figure eights
and your pencil drawings and
I’ll write a song that sounds
like rain. Let’s wade in deep
until the current takes us; 
the million hands of the sea, 
the dark tide of trees, or the
loneliest diamond hued desert.
We’ll bury the compass and push
off from the past. There will be stars
without names and rivers
that never go home.


Saturday, April 23, 2016

Show me all your figure eights
and your pencil drawings and
I’ll write a song that sounds
like rain. Let’s wade in deep
until the current takes us; 
the million hands of the sea, 
the dark tide of trees, or the
loneliest diamond hued desert.
We’ll bury the compass and push
off from the past. There will be stars
without names and rivers
that never go home.


Friday, April 22, 2016

Let’s get outta here and raise
a little harm. I’ve got a new tape
deck and a cheap set of speakers. 
It’ll feel good to fly; the highway a
ribbon of possibility. Speed and noise
stepping in for freedom. Crank up the
stereo and slide a little closer.  I only
got one head light racing the evening
into darkness but we’ll beat the
devil to his due. 

Out here there is no one to drag us down.
The busted bottles and spent shells
glitter like a shattered disco ball.

I love the way your jeans move and the
dangerous glint of your hair cutting
the night when the fire is in your eyes. 
This is all I need of heaven.


Thursday, April 21, 2016

The raindrops fall unhurriedly, almost
evaporating in between.  I want to kiss
your bare shoulder that softly
until an ocean fills.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

There is a black river gnawing
at its banks, I feel the hunger
threatening to consume me. 
I am anxious to offer it something,
a bridge of fire, a skin canoe with a
bed of moss. These crooked hands
can not pull straight the memories
that slipped into the dark. But my knife
is true as the song of Haros and as sharp
as the first point of the moon. 
There are lovers who wander near
lost in each other’s eyes; what could be
sweeter than the blood of lust spilled
into your churning maw. Now let me
pass to seek what I might find.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

This gun fits my hand
better than yours
ever did but the heat of this
blued steel don’t keep the cold
night at bay.  The might of retribution
may be just but it sure don’t pay.
Ain’t got a dime to my name
and these shells don’t
jingle in my pocket.
It’s all about the redistribution
of wealth, I got plenty of lead
to share. I give what I can.
Never learned to swing a hammer 
or read too good but I can carve
your name on a bullet.
When I’m done
Let me rest on the side
of the road, I don’t need a
cross to hold up the sky.


Monday, April 18, 2016

I strike matches until
my thumb is sulfur flare
black, rubbing until the fire
blows against the wall, a
projection of warmth, a wisp
of a film strip shown, the
flicker of souls susceptible
to whispers.  It is the hollowest
of sounds, the sea hiding
in a shell, the prayer mouthed
to the mouth of a glass. 
Snails under salt, salt for saints
until the book is empty.


Sunday, April 17, 2016

In the dark we are gods,
corporeal only along the
edges where we lose
ourselves in the infinite
expanse of each other.
It is no accident this
primordial dance
aligning in consumption.
Born again and again
we are the fires of creation.


Saturday, April 16, 2016

Stricken, how am I gonna die
with these clotted fingers
that nothing slips between.
No bone meal or
watered wine. My eyes
are not sure but your
memory comes faster
than the howl of the world.
Let’s call it a day.


Friday, April 15, 2016

What do you need when
the quick moon dashes
between trees?  The bottle
still rattles and there are
smokes to smoke.
This is the low life, the shelter
is thin, and there is more
blood than red.

Why do you linger with the last
lines of songs still fat on your
tongue, you know I ain’t
going nowhere.

If you don’t pull the trigger
it won’t end. The crosshairs
or the cross we all kneel
for something. We all stray.

Wash the mud off your feet.


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Lay me down in a bed
of salt; scrape the color
from my veins, fill my
hollow spine, and close
this body tight.

Find the shape of flowers
in my hands. The hyacinth
with its white flies are wet
with wine, the broken paper
stems are drying wrong.
Let the prayer book fall,
it only has pictures.

You can be the boatsman,
you can play the bugle,
you can place your hand
on my back like an oath.
Only swear the lies stay
hidden, you are clever and
I am tired of believing.


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

I always liked the way the rain fell
on your street, gathered up in the
elm trees who were slow to shake it off. 
The air heavy with the fragrance of
manicured palettes of perennials. 
The old skin of the desert is barely
visible except that busted lot behind
the Kmart where the bleed of florescent
light only hits the top of the weeds
and the smoke snaking away from every
cigarette. When I first saw you, it was the
soft pink nail polish reduced to small jagged
patches of color on your bitten nails.
Your pre-renaissance fingers hugging a
40oz chalice. We were trapped and aimless
waiting for time to have shape.  It never did
either of us any good for me to want you. 
The end of summer crept up like a police car,
maps were redrawn, the lines that could no
longer be crossed reappeared, and then
you were gone.


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

I want to say you are beautiful, but
it is not right. I want to touch
that sadness, there is something
in the hardness of the wire that defines
the shape of an eye looking away.

Can you remember when
your fingertips didn’t turn blue
under the weight of air?
There is something missing
in the rotation. Something isn’t flush.
It’s okay to lie.

I want to remember my body
before I knew I had one; before
time was doubt and desire.
I want to remember the sound
of a hand cupped over my ear;
what potential means.
I want to remember you.


Monday, April 11, 2016

I have only seen your garden in postcards. It is a beauty I can only
imagine where I nuzzle the sweet petals of delicate blossoms the
nectar sweet as blood and deadly as a curse.  I wander the gentle
curves of the white winding paths paved with crushed skulls and I
have sought the shade under trees that bare the shriven fruit of
last year’s bounty, the lucky hearts of those fortunate souls.
Enraptured of the stinging wasps and assassin bugs the air is alive
with pain. Each succulent shrubbery resplendent with piercing
thorns or cancerous poison. I want to get my hands dirty sifting
amongst the earthworms and corpses to find the source of such


Sunday, April 10, 2016

We writhe in the unwinding
born of incompletes
our shape our need.
Bodies blooming drunk
with knowing. We feed
on the wounds, these points
of detachment ripped
from another.
Hands grasp reflexively, 
mouths are only mirrors
to sing the hollow distances
while eyes seek the
barest strings of connection.


Saturday, April 9, 2016

The ravine out past where
Martha cooks is holy ground.
Virgin blood and answered prayers.
The hand of god and his
violent breath. Tire fires and a
corpse shitting maggots.

This town hides the leftovers
like the truth somewhere below
the headlights, it is a form of
loss prevention. The ground is
rank with blood. There is no
street light glare to romanticize
the night, it is enough to no longer
see the greeting cards for the damned.


Friday, April 8, 2016

I am walking behind
myself kicking up dirt
to bury my shadow,
to bury the shade
I cannot have. It is a
self-portrait. It is vanitas,
complete with rot.
I used to try and write
my name on your bones.
Can you reach inside
the lining? Now that
there is no place for hands.


Thursday, April 7, 2016

When I’m drunk enough
to cry you a song I piss
holy water on the burning
bush until the gasoline
turns to wine.


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

I hold my fingers
in the flame, 
but the iron
will not take form.
The hammer blows
only steal resolve.
This deformity is crude,
I no longer fit inside you.
My knives are slick
but they will not sharpen
your wounds or cut
the sky into shade.


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

I feel the siren’s knives whisper
behind my back. If I close
one eye will I still be looking
for you? I am ready to go
down with the ship;
there is grace in the
pounding of the sea.
Whose anchor are you tied to?
Will it slip when the storm
shakes the dead. I am
only breathing while the
rocks gather strength.


Monday, April 4, 2016

I can’t promise I’ll ever finish
anything but I want to fill
my edges with a fine filigree
of remorse. Repeat after me.
Wait. Hold the silence close,
closer than the love of a razor
or the silvered breath of memory.
I know you want soft words
almost monochromatic, almost kind.
Soon you’ll realize I am in your way.


Sunday, April 3, 2016

The moon is brighter
than something I want
to look at. I’m sure I am
missing the point.
On the bus to Longview
the horizon crouches
heavy, the muscled patience
of a predator. The weight of
your hamstring curving
into temptation. If I didn’t need
a cigarette there would
be only you.


Saturday, April 2, 2016

The grease crawls
into my hands, the dead
man sings, his throat open
to the empty moon.
Blood is only a mirror
the night won’t leave.
I knew devotion once,
it is a simple lie.
The waiting for a god.


Friday, April 1, 2016

I bricked up the window
where I scattered a pound
of flower seeds, it was an elegy,
it is insurance against
eviction; faith? I leave the blinds
open since I painted the
wall blue like sunshine.
My hand reaches into the
space between my legs
it is a crammed in itch of a
horse too long dead.
