Monday, April 30, 2012


There once was a little girl that lived near the edge of a spruce forest. Her eyes were the blue of the hardest glacier ice but they were quick like the chickadees that stayed all winter. Ever since she was able to stand on her own feet she tried to see everything with those quick chickadee eyes. And as soon as she could walk on her own two feet she was determined to see the silver teasing between the spruce trees and laughing over the fire weed. Through seasons of the aurora and the midnight sun she watched squirrel and moose and the occasional caribou wander through the grass that formed a barrier against the spruce forest keeping the cool darkness of the pines away. But there were spaces, openings among the under brush big enough for her. The forest was open to her and had invited her in. She knew now that the silver was the birch tree, the harbinger of winter with it's golden finale. She knew the squirrels slept in the ground under a blanket of snow all winter and she knew that the willow shoots were eaten by the moose, and moose are always best avoided. Now here feet know how to avoid the tangles of roots and she always answers back to the squirrels who yell at her as she intrudes on their forest.

Days slide by some trapped in doors, there is school and other things the adults thinks she should do. But now the grass is a carpet heralding the embrace of the forest since her parents no longer worry so much. She has always returned when she was told, come when she was called. In spring the night still comes and stars shine down but they slowly disappear as the equinox approaches. The glow of a sleepless sun soon lights the nights. The shadows are deep under the eves of the trees but the eyes adjust. And the feet are sure. And the forest opens new secrets with the each foot step. There is a space, no trees block the twilight sky. The curtain of trees part to reveal a pond crowded with snow geese. They are busy raising their young for the flight south. Kneeling in the tall grass at the edge of the water watching, counting, listening to the countless honks. There is a splash to her left, a clomp of water as something hits the surface. A fat frog full of mosquitoes. Again to the right this time. And the speckled back slides under the water in front of her. Twice more the she sees the fish swim past. She notices red near the gills. She sees the two marble eyes motionless except for the circling fins and the gills keeping time as the mouth opens to breath. The fish is watching her. Slowly the trout pushes its nose through the water as if smelling her. She is quiet, she is still, her glacier eyes dare not blink. She can see the fish clearly through the water and the sky is brighter now after midnight. The deep crimson cut on the throat of the fish. She hears the small splashes and wet sounds of the fish hovering in the water. Almost a whisper. A language of moss and smooth rocks and water that laughs on it way to something important, of tidal pools, and the silence of winter. But it was gone with a crash of grass and a brilliant orange flame running on four legs, stupid fox! Greedy for goose, heedless of the girl, the fox was gone as well. The geese too busy to notice the small commotion in the weeds. She watches them for awhile more, hoping the trout will return. But it is nearly morning and soon her mother will come to wake her up. It is good to be in bed dreaming when breakfast is ready and another day is laid out ready to be discovered.


Sunday, April 29, 2012


with determined hands
you would tie the tail
of your dreams to me.
but my spars are busted,
the sackcloth of my skin is ruined,
and there isn’t much of a wish holding me together.
I rise to the wind no more,
flight is a prayer I have lost faith in


Saturday, April 28, 2012

some days

some days are too heavy
to hold up with both hands,
the noise of the sun rancorous.
it becomes a game, the waiting until
the distance brings silence
and the moon takes me in
her pallid arms


Friday, April 27, 2012


all the days I kissed you
turned to glass

things break

even though it is a liquid
it can not conform to
the container of the present

I found a place where the
water is black but also green.
the hands of the sea stole
the pieces but could not hold them.
glittering they faded into the depth

there are people who collect sea glass,
the broken edges softened to  translucency.
can they imagine any of the days
that were lost?


Thursday, April 26, 2012

do you wear summer dresses?

the kind the sun shines brighter
through as it curves around your skins

will you let your hair tumble with laughter,
your skin glimmering in the bright air?

the breeze shimmering
in the gauze as you dance shameless
among wildflowers

when the night hawk calls at dusk
will you give him your answer.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012


my hands have bled, bare knuckled tears
slammed into the cracks of the earth. pain
to bury in tombs, darkness and dirt to forget.
but the goddamn things won't stay closed.
blood and lime are not enough. scars only
tell of failure. fingers too bent to bend
around a cigarette, the last incense
burned for the dead


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

on the porch

If I am patient the humming birds will let me stand next to them
the whir of wings and small chirps as they feed
on sugar water, they don't care if it's red
or if it comes from a plastic flower.
they need calories to keep their four chambered
engine running faster than I can blink.
And I need to be near the iridescent miracle
of such a small sun.


Monday, April 23, 2012


I feel you moving around my bones planting seeds
fingers digging in the soft earth between my ribs.
Encouraging wildness, tendrils of desire, a verdant lust
the fruit of your hands.

the blue veins submerged in the
cool promise of your skin.
A map I follow with thirsty
lips to the soft mercy of your hand,
a cup to ease the drought of my heart

my hands find the strength of your back
guide you closer until I can taste your mouth.
Desire boarders on brutality
once hunger is ignited. greedy hands

“fucking pig....
kissing you hard on the mouth, suffocating further dialogue.
I bleed laughter when you bite.
my hands grab your ass lifting
you against me, ribs cutting into ribs.
fingernails ripping at my face. I share my blood,
a relentless mouth seeking your complicity.


Friday, April 20, 2012


tiny cities live under
your skin, spires of stained glass.
fables of sacrifice and loss,
fragmentary resonance, the
hymns of the forgotten whisper to me
when you are close.
is the tent of your skin
protection or is this all
that is holding you up?
I am afraid the profanity of my hands
would ruin the carefully constructed


Thursday, April 19, 2012


the trains ponderous metallic
shudders, a discordant
soundtrack to clouds
heavy on the western horizon.
in the east a royal blue
sky is pushing over the mountains.

it is too early to be awake
so I let my eyes close.

the clouds have brought the
memory of how invariably it
would rain when you left.
I wonder where you are
leaving from this time


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

my need is my god

I would bleed into the sky
each drop clamoring to you,
an ocean returning.

the wind will scream
from my lungs
a wild guttural howl
scraping me empty
and ready to receive.

I will burn books, every ashen word
a benediction, ink combusting
to carry my need.

fists will beat upon rocks
until there is no distinction.
the silence of thunder

I will prove my devotion

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


the dark flame of your irises
consume the small luminescence
of an early moon,
voiding any reflection.

your hair erupts, caught by an errant
breeze, black and writhing against the
fading horizon. porcelain fingers
capture it. I return a stray strand to the
confinement of your hand.
your skin is soft and cool
as the evening air.
It belies the symbolism.

The ghost of our breath mingles lasting
just a little longer. I would
kiss the stain of your lips
but this isn't that dream.

Monday, April 16, 2012


my skin stretched over a brittle faith
prays for your ochre light, the corruption
of my blood. red to red.
I drink your gaze, the barrenness
of your sorrow a perfect mirror.
blind me to the emptiness, narrowing desire.
replace the hard soul of doubt with the surety of your flesh,
a supple dwelling eclipsing mortality


Sunday, April 15, 2012


there are no secrets in this house
the emotions are too large.
silence has burned shadows, outlines
of despair etched in the walls.
I have cut my tongue,
bled words through clenched teeth
just to have something to
show for all this nothing.
pulling the dead
from my throat, double
handfuls of guts twisted
in too many broken fingers
I have tried to break free of this
blank expectant page


Saturday, April 14, 2012


I held the sea, black bleeding
fingers, words flooding to
fill the gaps, fingers in holes
to stop the escaping. hands lacking the iron
spikes that have gone missing.
but need is fulfilled with sharp sucking
sounds and voids left
dry. I am left. I will
not die again. I will not release
to the prying fingers. There is no
twisted skin, there is
nothing much to hold and little time
for my blue eyes to see.


Friday, April 13, 2012

tuesday, 6:37 am

digging in your early morning garden,
the crescent moons of dirt darken your nails.
dreams still ripe with brittle tulips
propped against a cardboard sky
thickening with bird song.
yellow Polaroid sunlight
bleeds around the edges of the night.
your knees have pressed the damp earth
into the hem of your slip. The sky has tangled
into your hair, a perfume of freshness.

my mouth is treacherous with sleep
so I lie into the pillow as you turn the shower on.
the pink slip falls from your hips, a flower
wilted now collapsing into a puddle on the floor.
light from the bathroom punctuates the dark delta at the
intersection of the fragile geometry of your belly to the
steadfast curves of your pale legs.

hinting at a smile as you turn to disappear into the water.

I loose my self in the ennui of the first cigarette.
a ragged king wrapped in the memory
of purple now thinning to yellow,
seams are only suggestions of coherence.

I dress and leave to hide in
another day


Thursday, April 12, 2012


As a child I teased a younger boy
until he threw my rock hammer.

I remember being
on my knees with my
head on the grass,
as in prayer.
my hands
to to keep the blood
where it belonged.

It really wasn't much, a cut scalp
and a dent in my skull.
“Thank God you have a hard head”
it is good to laugh
after the blood has been cleaned up.

And now I have a story to tell.

There are others, some are more painful.
I would trade them, tell me about osteology
and how blood is born


Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I have hidden my corrosion
between palms pressed flat,
the spines of books drip, the blood
of inequity can not be contained.
your doubts have been fed, fears anointed.
slowly you open the door.
you will come to me in spite
of your devotion I will
forgive you your pious fast.
take these hands that hunger
and drink of the darkness to
satisfy your need and I with
greedy fingers will consume
the rest of you


Tuesday, April 10, 2012


ask the clouds if you want to find me,
I have fallen off again, paths too narrow,
roads too straight. every river ends in the sea.
I seek the old water, lost in the ghost of an ocean
buried in the bluest ice or a river carved out of sky.

the iron of my blood sings true when
I have the mouth to let it.
my ears hear the whisper of the grass
speaking to the the stones and my eyes
are not afraid of the dark.

sometimes my heart is a lark others a crow foraging
through the long winter either way it flies. always seeking
a way into tomorrow


Monday, April 9, 2012

silence grows

there are lines that can not be crossed to trace
some paths, parallel fingers flow along
the curve of an eyebrow, through the temple
and around the ear to be joined by the rest of the hand
finally resting on the nape of your neck. I can not leave my
bunker to cross the dmz. Some treaties can't be broken.

there is sadness in a glance, that brief second
when eyes meet. I know I will never feel the fine hair
that grows on the plain of your stomach, feel the breath swell
inside of you and then retreat. The geography of desire
is proof of loneliness. Propriety demands vast distances


Sunday, April 8, 2012

bureaucracy of loss

there is no romance in goodbye
only violence as the train
departs. clouds are massing
to the west but they will never
leave the mesa and I can not
leave the parking lot, the same
atmosphere holding water.

I am overcome by the diesel electric's
power to rip longing from my heart.
it was a deal struck. but I am left
with leaving, and a ticket
for a future that I stamped void


Saturday, April 7, 2012


I remember when I was an ocean
my hands gentle waves
washing over you, bathing
you in my warm salty embraces.
the breeze of my kisses
tangling in your hair
but erosion wore you down
and a tide can not resist the sad
gravity of the moon.

now I wander through the
detritus of this shoreline,
the bones of broken trees and
shattered calcium cathedrals
empty of their small prayers.
a grave yard or a midden.
even though I touch everything
I can find nothing.


Friday, April 6, 2012


muffle my screams with your 
corpulence, a dream i can not escape. 
you twist around me, encircling
my limbs, holding me ever closer.
bury yourself under my nails
as I fight with slackening strength.
feel me weaken, fingers limp to your desire. 
victory is nearly complete
as I succumb to the darkness of your embrace.
your whisper ignites, and I burn through my final breath
before I am wholly yours

Thursday, April 5, 2012

another road

the yellow moon floats over an
ocean of fog that has 
flooded an alfalfa field,
the trees along the rio grande
have become a dark shore line,
and for awhile I am driving
in the early morning
of a distant land


Wednesday, April 4, 2012


The first whisper of you footstep awakens lust,
an orgy of life, dormant over the desolate winter,
bursting the old seams.
Newly awakened blood hungers, pushed by a biological imperative.
insatiable buds consume branches,
flowers fill with birdsong.
Beasts of all stripe fight for their chance to be the one. 
Unions consummated.
Seeds must grow to be born or hidden away.
Strength must come against the time you leave again.

Painting by Jel Ena

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

sunday afternoon

desperation burns like
gasoline, flames whipped
by the wind crashing
through my ears.
no matter how many times I turn around
there is no direction
to walk away.
all I can do is screw
myself into a bottle
and coast along the edge
of a blue sky pinched
between today and
too many tomorrows.
there isn't redemption
but at least I can rent a
small time peace


Monday, April 2, 2012


iron fingernails twisted into ribbons
of wire strip the wind of mementos,
t-shirt bags and busted tumbleweeeds.
grains and grains of sand pass the
time passing through.

high tension hums harder.

flames of green pulled from every bud
grow rampant consuming branch and ground alike.

there is no rest until the long slow summer wanders in


Sunday, April 1, 2012


your moon softness
rises, an aburpt geology of skin
floating in the cool
springtime plain of cotton sheets.
the rough knuckled horizon
of my hand descends
to hold you in sleep while I dream of now
